What Scalability Means for You

You may not know it, but Scalability is a fundamentally important factor for your business. If you have not experienced it for yourself, let me tell you that there is nothing more frustrating than having products that are ready to go, but you just can’t find the trucks.
Many Freight Brokers will have a small collection of trusted trucks which might be all you need 90% of the time. But when you find yourself with a ton of produce to ship, you will find yourself waiting. Not only should this be your most profitable time, but now you are actually missing out on money because you are simply wasting the produce.

Some Freight Brokers will, at this point, reach out to trucks and carriers that they are not familiar with. This means your big load of produce is in a truck that is not 100% trusted.
On the other hand, some Brokers that can handle that load may not be interested in working with you unless you have this massive amounts of goods each and every week. They can handle you at your best, but they won’t help the rest of the time. These are usually the Brokers that will only work with very big companies.
But, there are a few Brokers out there that understand and respect the fluctuations of business. They are ready to work with you each week, no matter the load. And then, when business does pick up, they have a big list of trusted trucks that they can quickly reach. A Broker with this level of Scalability is one that has been in the game for many years; with a trusted and respected reputation. Once you find that Broker, hold on tight.

So, as you can see, Scalability is more than your Freight Broker having a lot of trucks. It’s having a lot of trusted trucks. And it’s having those trucks quickly. Your produce does not last long. Hours matter.


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